Number Talks

Number Talk Resources by Grade Level

Number Talks is a book written by Sherry Parrish which focuses on getting our students to talk in the classroom about solving math problems!  The purpose is to have students solve math problems mentally and then verbally explain to the class.  The results demonstrate several students in the room solving the problem in various ways and students learning from each other.  Teachers record all answers (right or not) and provides opportunities for students to prove and explain - often times through their own explanation they discover their thinking was not quite right.  It's an excellent way for students to verbalize their thoughts and for students to learn from each other.
Here is a blog site with Number Talk information.

Livebinder for Number Talks and 4th grade
Sherry Parrish:  Number Talks:   Building Numerical Reasoning

Training Prezi

Talking to parents about Number Talks