
Every Day Counts calendar
Marcy Frain  Third grade

Thank you for letting me videotape (twice) your class in action.  Marcy is utilizing the calendar on the Promethean board and she has every student actively participating in the calendar math by completing and following along on their personal calendar sheets.  She focuses on using correct vocabulary with her students and is differentiating her instruction when asking the students to find a variety of ways to create "29".
Calendar is an excellent tool to reinforce learning on a daily basis with just 15 minutes a day!
(Marcy did a little bit more to show us a taste of each area!)

Part 1

Part 2

Marcy has shared her October resources with you.  She does calendar four days a week and creates 1 page per day for her student notebooks.

Resource pages:

The rest of the month's student pages (you will have to change out the calendar to the current year)