As our district moves forward with the process of common assessments, I have explored the writings of a few leaders in the field. We have a huge task before us and these leaders can help pave the way for a smoother transition.
Rick Stiggins is a leader in the field of assessment. He is the founder of the Assessment Training Institute and author of many professional books in the area of assessment related topics. He describes the difference in assessment as "Assessment of Learning " (Summative) and "Assessment for Learning" (Formative).
As our district moves forward in creating common assessments, he offers an overall outlook on the journey we are beginning.
Resources I need to look at closer...
Great resource for training and more!!!
Illustrative Mathematics - Monday online lessons
Common Core Toolbox
Tools for the Common Core
University of Texas
Rick Stiggins is a leader in the field of assessment. He is the founder of the Assessment Training Institute and author of many professional books in the area of assessment related topics. He describes the difference in assessment as "Assessment of Learning " (Summative) and "Assessment for Learning" (Formative).
As our district moves forward in creating common assessments, he offers an overall outlook on the journey we are beginning.
The Michigan assessment consortium has a development series that guide individuals and districts in the process of creating common assessments. Modules for learning how and why to create common assessments can be found here.
Resources I need to look at closer...
Great resource for training and more!!!
Illustrative Mathematics - Monday online lessons
Common Core Toolbox
Tools for the Common Core
University of Texas