Activities By Standards

"In grades K through five, math interventions should focus intensely on in-depth treatment
of whole numbers and operations, while grades four through eight should address
rational numbers as well as advanced topics in whole number arithmetic, such as long division."

EDU - See step-by-step how one Arizona school meets the needs of every student.

Mathlanding is an excellent site that allows teachers to browse by standards to find resources that match every elementary CCSS math standard!

New Zealand Maths

This site breaks down activities according to the standards.

Howard County This school district is ahead of the game!  They have activities for each standard - the way it should break down throughout the year as well as assessment tasks.

Here is another one that has done  a nice job separating standards via activities.

Here is a link that contains games and activities to help teach each standard for the various grade levels.

I have mentioned Learn Zillion in other posts, but they are worth adding to this page.  This site does a very good job of showing a teacher how to teach a concept the way the standards expect.