
Fractions can be difficult for many children!  Too often we try to push students to memorize steps and rules instead of truly build on their conceptual understanding of fractions. There is certainly a theme with building on conceptual understandings and understanding fractions is no different!  If we push students to simply memorize facts, steps or rules without knowing where they come from or understand why we are doing what we are doing, students are sure to find themselves much like Alice in Wonderland - lost - because there were just too many ways to go and in the end we have no idea which path to take!

Progressions of fractions - The Common Core standards were created so that at each grade level a piece of the fraction foundation is cemented in understanding.  From that point, students can build on their knowledge to eventually be successful at using fractions in the real world and be successful in algebra.

Common Core fractions progression document

This site contains easy to follow videos that walks the viewer through the progression of fractions according to the Common Core.

Engage New York - this is a $96,000,000 project that has created units to address the Common Core standards. It is user friendly and contains powerpoint presentations to assist in teaching to our teachers.

There are many sites available to help us teach fractions to our students.


Fractions Unit (Intel)

NCTM - 10 Practical Tips for Making Fractions Come Alive and Make Sense

What Works Clearinghouse - Developing Effective Fractions Instruction K-8 Practice Guide

Cuisenaire Rods are an excellent manipulative for teaching and exploring fractions.  If you search Google, there are many sites that contain lesson plans utilizing these manipulatives. Here is an example at an introductory level.  Illuminations has an investigation for students to use the Cuisenaire rods or relationship rods as they refer to them.

Fraction sites
Lesson Pathways
Math Journeys

Problem Bank