Eureka Math

The quest for a deep conceptual understanding is a goal that all math teachers strive for.  Our district adopted Engage New York as our Math curriculum in 2016 and throughout the past several years, we can truly say we see an improvement in our student learning!  The curriculum is grounded in strategies that lead to building knowledge that sticks with the children as they grow and are able to apply learned skills to other situations.  
Professional development is essential to the successful implementation of the program.  I have listed a few resources that we found to be helpful in the beginning of our journey with Eureka math and quite honestly continue to use 6 years later! Engage New York Pinterest
Eureka Great Minds CCSS Math Activities


Where we have made great gains in math education within our district, I am so excited that Greatminds have created updated materials that they claim are exponentially greater than before!  Be sure to check out the Eureka Math2  materials.

Grade Level samples